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John Frusciante - все о нем (продолжение)

true freak: мы о нем как-то не говорили тут...а он-то очень даже успешненький...я теперь,в основном,его слушаю...

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Алина: педалборд Джона http://jftab.com/htm/john-frusciante-gear-effects.html

Rebel: Алина Благодарю, интересный сайт.

Snake: да блин.... педалек больше чем у любого мазафакера)))) бедный его техник.... хочу тож гору педалек задолбал проц.

Ольчик: все читаем http://johnfrusciante.com/?p=5

Алина: Джон, научи меня Under The Bridge играть, а то у меня руки не из того места растут...

Ольчик: http://www.myspace.com/johnfrusciantemusic так же обновился myspace , название и дата выхода альбома

Ольчик: Джон говорит о Warpaint в своем блоге When we hear a band in the middle of a song, one girl is on her 100th note and another girl is on her 76th note and another girl is on her 50th note, we nevertheless hear these people as all being at the same point together. http://johnfrusciante.com/ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ The Empyrean, John's newest record, features Flea, Josh, Johnny Marr, The Sonus Quartet and The New Dimension Singers. It will be released worldwide on January 20th 2009 via Record Collection. John has decided to pull down the old website and create a direct conduit to communicate with his friends and his fans. While this blog format is new to John, he is very intent on stripping down the channels of communication by eliminating the walls and safeguards that have forever separated him from the millions of people all over the world who have supported his musical efforts. It is for this reason that John decided to create a blog. In the coming months you can expect John to update this blog periodically with information about the release of the Empyrean as well as random thoughts about life and music. John will also use this blog to post various forms of artwork including unreleased tracks and demos. John will be launching a new web store sometime next month which will be accessible via www.johnfrusciante.com and recordcollectionmusic.com. All of his records will be available through the store including some new t shirt designs. источник I-M

Ольчик: эмм.... у нас теперь 2 темы будет John Frusciante - все о нем (продолжение) ? эээ

Rebel: круто, Джон теперь блогер). Да ещё и не изданные треки будет выкладывать...вообще здорово! Ольчик пишет: у нас теперь 2 темы будет John Frusciante - все о нем (продолжение) ? похоже на то

Ольчик: 11.12.08 JOHN FRUSCIANTE to release The Empyrean on Record Collection 1.20.2009 Friends and Fans, The Empyrean is my new record and will be released worldwide via Record Collection on January 20th 2009. It was recorded on and off between December 2006 and March 2008. It is a concept record that tells a single story both musically and lyrically. The story takes place within one person, and there are two characters. It contains a version of Tim Buckleys, 'Song To The Siren' and the rest of the songs are written by me. My friend Josh plays on it, as does Flea. It also features Sonus Quartet, Johnny Marr and The New Dimension Singers. I'm really happy with it and I've listened to it a lot for the psychedelic experience it provides. It should be played as loud as possible and it is suited to dark living rooms late at night. - John Frusciante, November 3rd, 2008 In addition to the release of The Empyrean, John has created a new blog so that he can communicate directly with his fans. Over the course of the next few months check back regularly as John will be periodically updating the blog with random thoughts, music lessons, updates and whatever else he feels like writing about. The Empyrean Track listing: 1. Before The Beginning 2. Song To The Siren 3. Unreachable 4. God 5. Dark/Light 6. Heaven 7. Enough Of Me 8. Central 9. One More Of Me 10. After The Ending http://www.redhotchilipeppers.com/news/news.php?uid=737 http://www.billboard.com/bbcom/news/article_display.jsp?vnu_content_id=1003889627

Rebel: Всем советую послушать Tim Buckley "Song To The Siren" на которую Джон сделал cover, изумительная по красоте песня.

Rebel: обложка "The Empyrean"

Ольчик: большая нужна?

Ольчик: http://www.thehorsechronicles.org/ Horse Chronicles Interview, by Tanya Vece TV: Want to tell everyone what you are up to? JF: You want me to spill the beans on the next Peppers project. No. TV: Want to tell everyone how you have been? JF: The same. More into art and painting as of yesterday. TV: The last book you read? JF: My Royal Past. TV: Three artists on my Myspace you have listened to this past month: JF: Easy. The Coral, David Bowie, Morrisey. TV: What have you been watching on tv lately? JF: Elections and Its Always Sunny TV: Something you and I wouldn't agree on? JF: Russell Brand being funny. I know you "like" him. He did cross the line and not cause it would be a matter of free speech or in the sense of an artist. He made his prank calls to Mr. Sachs personal and it was disrespectful. If Howard Stern called President Bush and said those same things the reaction would be the same. TV: Favorite movie of the summer. JF: Tropic Thunder TV: Every time someone I know refers to you they refer to you as John Mother Fucking Frusciante. Does this bother you? JF: (laughing) No. Anthony said it once at a concert and it stuck. The guy who makes my wheat grass shots at Whole Foods even calls out "Shot for John Mother Fucking Frusciante". It is funny. I guess I could have a worse nick name. Tick or Flea! (kidding) TV: What are you doing right now. JF: This interview, and listening to Laura Black. TV: What makes you laugh the hardest? JF: I saw a video on You Tube comparing President Bush to the scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz. That was funny. TV: When will you be back in Las Vegas playing a concert? JF: When will you be back in California? I'm not sure either. TV: Name something you are looking forward to. JF: The next visit from my spiritual guide. TV: One piece of advice you would give to someone on the verge of quitting music right now? JF: Quit. If you have to think about quitting music you should. I did and I did because I knew I was not in the frame of mind to be in love with it at the time. Not saying I was out of love with music I was just able to be in love with it for a period of time for several reasons. Once I was able to fall in love with myself again I found my love of music again and think people were able to tell. Don't make music to make money or get girls (or boys) or for fame. Make music because you are in love with music. If you do it for any other reason people will be able to tell and eventually their responses will cause you to fall out of love with the music. That is one reason to quit.

JuliaR: хихи=) люблю интервью с Джоном. thanks a lot!

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